For most gluing of Depron and EPP foams we highly recommend the Super-Gold+ medium viscosity CA. Insta-Set™ accelerator must be used when bonding two pieces of foam or plastic together. The common procedure is to apply glue to one surface, position the pieces, and then apply the accelerator to set the adhesive almost instantly. For finer applications, the 301 extender tip is highly recommend. The tips can be left on and sealed with some tape, or soak the extender tips in acetone for cleaning. All CA adhesives can have their shelf life extended by storing in a jar with some desiccant and out of direct sunlight. Super-Gold adhesives will not fog most clear plastics, and there are no fumes that irritate the nose and eyes.
The Super-Gold Thin glue is a basic thin CA that is foam safe. This glue is water thin and will soak away into the edges of Depron foam and the edges and faces of EPP foam.